Get the RealView of the Home

See What Can't Be Seen

Sewer line issues can't be seen just walking through the home. Any number of defects could be days away from creating the system to fail, backing up into your home.

Getting the sewer lateral scoped gives you a view under the level of the floor and the yard, all the way to the city connection and pinpoints issues such as root intrusions, excessive buildup, damaged material, Orangeburg and improper slope, all things that could cause the system to backup into your home. Into your living space. The cleanup alone is extensive and expensive, especially if it happens in a finished space. Then comes the repair. Locating the defective section, digging up the yard, breaking up concrete if it’s under the driveway or sidewalk, the repairing and replacing everything. Getting a scope done allows you to address the issue before it becomes overwhelming. Options such as jetting, allows my symptoms to be cleared, allowing for more years of confidence that what gets flushed down the toilet, stays flushed.

Looking for a different service?

Sewer/Plumbing Services

Scope and Jet

Don’t get stuck overpaying the other guys. Each scope costs the same, even if you want the clearing of the lateral verified. If an issue is discovered and you decide to have us clear it, the rescope is $75.

Toilet, Faucets and Fixtures

Minor repairs and service options are available to match certifications. Don’t overpay when you have smaller tasks. Or get a report of what is required to know your’e not getting overcharged for unnecessary work.

Starting price listed will increase with material prices and additional services requested. More options listed on the next section below.


Scheduling, additional service request or general questions.

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Anything and everything, even complaints or concerns.


Call or text, and leave a voicemail if needed.

More than just looking around

Get the best. Get the RealView. With multiple services your options improve, giving you get the best value.

Serving all of Polk and surrounding counties with professional and thorough inspection services for all aspects of the home, as well as offering warranty specials, maintenance packages, move in ready services, plumbing inspections and limited pipe repairs and clearing blockages, door lock and security features, as well as assistance with setting up and transferring utilities, and many more services.

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